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Who I Am...

JANET LEET, Camp Owner/Director:  SUB5 Running Camp is in its 19th year. My goal with this camp has always been toINSPIRE the young girls to believe in themself, to create a DESIRE and PASSION within her. I want to send her home with tools in her tool box so she can ACHIEVE her goals. I don't think you can accomplish these goals without making it an all girls environment. I want the girls to feel a freedom to discuss issues that are not discussed. The YMCA and Camp Benson has afforded me the opportunity to offer all the challenges and venue to go after what needs to be done. We control the kitchen, the adventures, the challenges and the hard issues. This camp is not your typical running camp. If the young women wants to challenge herself... spend a week at SUB5. I can guarentee she will think very differently when she goes home. 

     I am a former Kinney (Foot Locker) High School National Champion, New Jersey High School Athlete of the Century, World Cross County Champion (1987 team USA World Champs I placed 23rd in the world), former 10 all american division 1, 2 x Olypmic Trials Qualifier, and many time ACC champion.

     I went to a lot of running camps in my youth, worked at some BUT never got the answers to the hard questions roaming in my head. I even spend a week at the olympic training centers camp and did not get answers. I created this camp to to send a strong message to these young girls of  YES YOU CAN!! I had a lot of NO YOU CAN'T being a young runner in the 1980's and 90's. I want to leave this sport affording better opportunities to the next generation.


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runsub5 posted a photo Nov 12th 2015, 10:05pm
53,417 0 0
runsub5 liked a video Oct 3rd 2015, 12:34am
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The Hill was a video that a group of high schoolers made at the camp. 
3 comment(s)
If you want to get a flavor of what SUB5 is about check out this video. These young women were given a project at camp and this is what they came up with. Very moving very powerful.
If you want to get a flavor of what SUB5 is about check out this video. These young women were given a project at camp and this is what they came up with. Very moving very powerful.
This was great...thanks for sharing. Featured.
runsub5 posted a blog Oct 1st 2015, 5:57pm
I receive a lot of emails and phone calls about fatigue and racing. The runner will tell me that on race day she breaks down at about 1 – 2 miles into a 3 mile race and just can’t get her legs moving. She reports that her training is going ...
runsub5 posted 9 photos in 1st October, Oct 1st 2015, 4:57pm
runsub5 featured a blog Oct 1st 2015, 4:16pm
I receive a lot of emails and phone calls about fatigue and racing. The runner will tell me that on race day she breaks down at about 1 – 2 miles into a 3 mile race and just can’t get her legs moving. She reports that her training is going ...
runsub5 commented on a video Oct 1st 2015, 3:43pm
SUB5 Running Camp is in its 19th year. My goal with this camp has always been to INSPIRE the young girls to believe in themself, to create a DESIRE and PASSION within her. I want to send her home with tools in her tool box so she can ACHIEVE her goals. I dont think you can accomplish these goals without making it an all girls environment. I want the girls to feel a freedom to discuss issues that are not discussed. The YMCA and Camp Benson has afforded me the opportunity to offer all the challenges and venue to go after what needs to be done. We control the kitchen, the adventures, the challenges and the hard issues. This camp is not your typical running camp. If the young women wants challenge herself spend a week at SUB5. I can guarentee she will think very differently when she goes home
70,521 0 0
Come see what SUB5 Running Camp is about!!
1 comment(s)
SUB5 Running Camp is in its 19th year. My goal with this camp has always been to INSPIRE the young girls to believe in themself, to create a DESIRE and PASSION within her. I want to send her home with tools in her tool box so she can ACHIEVE her goals. I dont think you can accomplish these goals without making it an all girls environment. I want the girls to feel a freedom to discuss issues that are not discussed. The YMCA and Camp Benson has afforded me the opportunity to offer all the challenges and venue to go after what needs to be done. We control the kitchen, the adventures, the challenges and the hard issues. This camp is not your typical running camp. If the young women wants challenge herself spend a week at SUB5. I can guarentee she will think very differently when she goes home
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The Hill
SUB5 Running Camp