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SweezyFBaby commented on a news article Jun 23rd 2017, 11:41pm
I mistakenly got the wrong membership, I emailed you guys, and you haven't responded. Please fix this immediately so I can get refunded.
+PLUS is a subscription package that bills every month, year, or 2 years depending on the package you have.   ...
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74 comment(s)
Please cancel my subscription effective immediately. Thank you
Teri Coulard
I subscribed and paid and cannot view the videos. I would like to cancel and receive a full refund
Please cancel my account. The subscription was done my mistake a few minutes ago. I did not want to pay that
Rico Patton
Please cancel my subscription before you charge my card the fee today. Thanks
Please cancel my account. The subscription was done my mistake a few minutes ago...Please do not charge me. Thank you!
cancel my account
Joe Buckley
I am a grandmother of an athlete and I live in Wyo I wanted to watch my granddaughter and had been told I could for free if I went on your website, which said I had to have an account to be able to watch and then it said I had to pay! I decided even though it would only be for 6 minutes, i would pay the $9 or $10. When I received my credit card bill, I had been charged for a yearly rate instead of a monthly rate. Could you please help me get my money back. This happened on Dec. 2 and my name is Cheryl Buckley and my husband is Joe Buckley. I charged it on a VISA ending in 8444. Thank you for your help!
cancel my account asap. thank you,
Joe scholtes
cancel my account asap. thank you, Joe Scholtes
Joe scholtes
cancel my account asap. thank you, Joe Scholtes
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