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Brenna Cohoon Reflects On First Semester At Iowa State

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DyeStat.com   Dec 30th 2020, 8:05pm

Not Your Average First Semester

Editor's note: Brenna Cohoon, a frequent contributor when she was a high school in Illinois, reflects on her first season of college life, and running, at Iowa State. Cohoon was named the Big 12 Conference Freshman of the Year after placing fifth at the conference cross country championships Oct. 30. 

By Brenna Cohoon for DyeStat

I love the crunch of gravel beneath my feet.  The sound it makes as my teammates and I coast through our weekly long run fills me with ease. Cows stare as we pass them, and occasionally a farm dog will accompany us on a portion of our journey.  

It’s the little things that make me smile, reminding me of how lucky I am to be exactly where I am in life. A global pandemic can disrupt our sense of normalcy, but it can’t stop us from finding happiness.

I went into my first semester at Iowa State University this fall, very unsure of what to expect. If I’m being honest, I would not have been surprised if we were sent back home after just a couple of weeks on campus.  I didn’t know how the Coronavirus would look in our college town, but I was prepared for the worst-case scenario. Thankfully, we were fortunate enough to successfully make it through the semester and remain on campus the entire time.

A lot happened in the first 15 weeks I lived, learned, and ran in Ames, Iowa as I shifted from Mustang Country (Downers Grove HS) to Cyclone Nation. For starters, I experienced the August derecho storm two days after moving into my dorm. Trees were torn down, cornfields were flattened, and for many residents of Ames, the power was out for multiple days.

I wish I could say that everything was smooth sailing thereafter, but I would be lying. I had to quarantine for two weeks after potentially being exposed to the virus. I needed to figure out how to function in online college courses. I went through moments of really missing my family and friends back home. These were just a few of the bumps in the road during my first few weeks at Iowa State.

I would not have it any other way, though. The hiccups from this past semester helped shape me in so many ways. I adjusted to being independent. I learned how to remain calm in the face of adversity. I understood how important it is to be flexible. The challenges that came my way were made much easier because I didn’t go through anything alone; I am blessed to have an incredible support system comprised of my coach and teammates.

For me personally, the transition to training at the collegiate level was quite manageable. I feel as though I built a strong base in high school that helped prepare me for the next step in my running career. Additionally, my coach at Iowa State, Amy Rudolph, has a very calculated approach that allowed me to adjust appropriately. My first couple of workouts with the team were a bit of a shock to the system, but I quickly got into the flow and understood my expectations moving forward.

We got in a little over a month of training together before our first meet of the season. It was a small meet at the University of Kansas against the Jayhawks and the Kansas State Wildcats. There wasn’t any pressure; all I had to do was give my best effort in my collegiate racing debut. After all, the last time I raced was in the beginning of March, so this would be a great time to simply see how fit I was.

I remember toeing that starting line, viewing the empty course around me. No spectators were allowed at this race, but that didn’t matter. My teammates and I were all just grateful for the opportunity to compete, understanding that we were among a select few universities with a season.

I was pleased with my finish at Kansas, but not completely satisfied. The most exciting thing about this race was getting to see the depth of our team in a race setting. I managed to stay with our main pack and was just happy to be racing again. I knew that I was in a good spot; I trusted in my training and remained patient with myself as we prepared for our next meet.    

Fast forward to a couple of weeks later in Stillwater, Okla. We competed in the Cowboy Jamboree hosted by Oklahoma State, the first 6K of the season and my first ever 6K.  As someone who has always enjoyed running longer distances, to say I was excited would be an understatement.

The results of this race once again left our team elated. We won the meet, further demonstrating our strength as a group. I was a little disappointed with myself and how I didn’t seem to improve from my first race, but I kept my head up. I knew that this would be another great experience to reflect upon in the future.

Almost a month later, we came up on our final meet of the season: the Big 12 Conference Championships.  We were back in Lawrence, Kan. and ready to accomplish some big goals as a team. I felt as though I was ready for some sort of a personal breakthrough, but all I really knew was that I was eager to take advantage of this opportunity. At our team meeting the night before, I was absolutely overwhelmed with gratitude. I reflected on all our team had been through over the past few months, thinking about everything that led us to this point.

Race day finally arrived and I was ecstatic. It reminded me of the feeling I got before a state meet in high school, that combination of nerves and excitement. I love that energy, but knew I had to remain calm, cool, and collected before the gun went off.

I got off to a relaxed start, feeling comforted by my teammates surrounding me. The crowd’s electricity made me smile, and I was thrilled to be in my element.

I felt surprisingly strong, both mentally and physically as I progressed throughout the race. Before I knew it, we were charging up Cemetery Hill at Rim Rock and making our way through the last several meters. I crossed that line and was absolutely shocked by how I finished. At the beginning of our season, I set the lofty goal of being All-Big 12. Seeing that dream actually come true was amazing.

More importantly, we accomplished our goal of winning the conference championship as a team! Celebrating with everyone afterwards was surreal. Despite competing in perhaps the most bizarre cross country season in history, we made the best of the situation and enjoyed ourselves in the process.

Ultimately, these past few months have been some of the best of my entire life. I was welcomed onto a team filled with incredible individuals and had the privilege of creating bonds with everyone. I also received many personal opportunities to grow. Of course, I am the same person that I have always been, but this first semester of college transformed me into a happier, relaxed, more confident version of myself. I am so thankful for this wonderful start to my time in college and eager to see what the future holds!

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